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Edition of 2872 of which 300 copies are signed 1-300,
26 copies are signed A-Z as artist's proofs,
and five sets are signed as progressives.

July 3, 1980 10 colors 18" x 24"

Client: Karl Bornstein, Mirage Gallery,
1662-12th Street, Santa Monica CA 90404.
Telephone (213) 450-1129 Model:
David Lee Guenzel (at two years)
A-Z: Artist's own use

Model: David Lee Guenzel (at two years)

(AIGA Graphic Design USA 4, 1983; Graphis #224;
Le Mois de l'Affiche á Bordeaux
Print That Works, Elizabeth Adler, Bull Publishing Co., 1990, page 177)

Among my earliest memories is that of standing in a station and watching the great, snuffling, chuffing steam engine heave toward me, hauling its train of cars like a dinosaur's tail. It stopped so delicately, exactly where it should and I in awe before it, entranced by its immense shiny intricacy, black as sin and powerful as death. The astonishingly equally black smiling porter set out a stair, and helped first my mother, carrying my sister in her arms, and then me onto the train. My mother prepared food for us, and we climbed slowly up a mountainous, snowy grade, accompanied by the smell of oranges.